Showing posts with label without sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label without sex. Show all posts

Sunday 16 June 2013

Happy married life to several major cold knowledge

Sibling relationship is generally the longest continuous human life, relationship, but not always harmonious, there are a lot of people do not and childhood, the battle continues into adulthood.

1, the two sides relatively large differences in happiness
Same people attracted to each other, or different people attracted to each other? At the beginning, people are likely to be completely different people with their own attracted a great deal about intimate relationships but studies have found that the same is to maintain sexual relations "glue." In the long run, life, people are more likely to feel like a deep love, to help them withstand the challenges of life's journey. They like-minded passion burn, the rest is snuggle comfort.

2, premarital cohabitation is best to look
Study found that premarital cohabitation are more likely to divorce. Cohabiting men and women decide to get married, may simply be due to "inertia" is not strong attraction between them. Cohabitation, the two easily into the marriage, but also very easy to get out of marriage. According to a 2009 study showed that men and women cohabit together more easily when not happy. Of course, this is not to say that every man and woman on cohabitation no good results, but the "first commitment after the living," the men and women is more likely to be happy.

3, the child born will destroy marriage
Many years ago, someone said that, from the "two of the world" to a "three (or more) the world" is a couple of the biggest challenges. Some scholars use the U-shaped curve to describe the marital satisfaction that the U-shaped bottom is the first stage after the birth of a child. However, these studies only compared at different stages of couple. If the track the same couple of continuous change, you will find many new dad and new mothers feel close relations have improved. Originally, after the birth of the child, the wife feels the two sides can be more equal sharing of housework. Sometimes, the family who is directly related to dishwashing marital satisfaction.

4, the "empty nest" unhealthy female psychology
"Empty Nest" refers to the child up and leave home, the parents home alone emptiness, loneliness state. Past, women living in "empty nesters" is very tragic, but modern women outside the home also has a career. Even in the "empty nest" status, women still fill the emptiness in various ways. One pair of 15,000 middle-aged women in Canada survey showed that the "empty nest" women's sex lives than women living with their children more active. After the children left home, many women living alone in a house, seems to enjoy the freedom of life.

5, the elderly without sex
Young people do not want to imagine their grandparents will love, but that does not mean the fact that they do not do. U.S. survey found that in the 75 years to 85 years among the elderly, 38% of men and 17 percent of women have sex, and gender differences in numbers is because at this age is still alive in women than in men. Older people do not limit their sexuality, the survey also found that a considerable part of the elderly oral sex. U.S. famous sexologists Masters and Johnson once said that older women enjoy sex just to have a "fun and interesting companion."

6, and the children do not grow up just fine
Sibling relationship is generally the longest continuous human life, relationship, but not always harmonious, there are a lot of people do not and childhood, the battle continues into adulthood. If the eccentricity of their children, or give the impression of an eccentric child, then the situation would be far worse - study found that children of parents eccentricity caused Snub resentful that can last for decades. 60-year-old will still sulk like a child, even though it looks silly.

7, sad not to let each other know
Many people mistakenly believe that the problems in the relationship, it is best to hide their discomfort. However, faced with the problem is the correct solution. Both husband and wife avoiding problems but will feel depressed and unhappy, will inevitably affect the daily behavior, thereby reducing the quality of intimate relationships. Once they could not help but burst out, we inevitably use unhealthy means of communication, such as quarrels and insults. By that time, bickering resentment generated further intensify contradictions, creating a vicious cycle. After the conflict, preferably before the outbreak of mutual communication, so that the sound can be both heard and understood each other.