Tuesday 18 June 2013

Female watch of the future not just beautiful

Visit our new showroom in Blancpain conducted in a small room, with outside stark contrast to the noisy environment. Alain Delamuraz looks very busy, often giving a "doing little tricks" illusion. When asked what kind of a woman exactly like a table, I once thought that he had left God, but he looked up suddenly asked me: "Do you like what kind of table?"
Although as early as two years, Blancpain has a new action on the female form, but this year there are more obvious move - female models big diamond chronograph calendar window. This of course means that the presence of the female form has been advancing from the appearance to the function.

"We've been doing female form, 25 percent of sales come from the female form and our strengths in the phase of the moon this year, want to give some support to the female form, because the woman is the future of the cartier best watch market, they also want good mechanical watches. Piece of timing code table as a work of art at the same time, not only is the jewelry, there are some more useful features, there is a change in the movement, this is a modern independent women crave. "Alain Delamuraz said it would be Blancpain continuity plans.

Studded with jewels, on behalf of the female form do you? Alain Delamuraz does not recognize a common phenomenon in this market. "These things just stones, but the design and intrinsic things mechanical function and elegant appearance of the combine is the future direction of the female form." Alain Delamuraz out a mother of pearl dial table to me, "This is a streamlined design, you have to ensure that every one can and around Fritillaria seamless stitching together. difficult to look to know it? presence is useful for some things, and some to the United States, they are not in conflict. "

Conclusion: Our topic in addition to a woman's hobby, there market. Alain Delamuraz said that although the Chinese market is slowing, but the Chinese people travel everywhere to buy a table, so in fact, the world is still on the rise.

Talked about a lot of brands in the overseas price adjustment is aimed to narrow the gap with China, the Chinese people returned to Chinese consumption, Alain Delamuraz said: "This is a very bad decision, it will only drive away customers, no good, which also does not meet our DNA, we will not do this kind of price adjustment. "

Sunday 16 June 2013

Happy married life to several major cold knowledge

Sibling relationship is generally the longest continuous human life, relationship, but not always harmonious, there are a lot of people do not and childhood, the battle continues into adulthood.

1, the two sides relatively large differences in happiness
Same people attracted to each other, or different people attracted to each other? At the beginning, people are likely to be completely different people with their own attracted a great deal about intimate relationships but studies have found that the same is to maintain sexual relations "glue." In the long run, life, people are more likely to feel like a deep love, to help them withstand the challenges of life's journey. They like-minded passion burn, the rest is snuggle comfort.

2, premarital cohabitation is best to look
Study found that premarital cohabitation are more likely to divorce. Cohabiting men and women decide to get married, may simply be due to "inertia" is not strong attraction between them. Cohabitation, the two easily into the marriage, but also very easy to get out of marriage. According to a 2009 study showed that men and women cohabit together more easily when not happy. Of course, this is not to say that every man and woman on cohabitation no good results, but the "first commitment after the living," the men and women is more likely to be happy.

3, the child born will destroy marriage
Many years ago, someone said that, from the "two of the world" to a "three (or more) the world" is a couple of the biggest challenges. Some scholars use the U-shaped curve to describe the marital satisfaction that the U-shaped bottom is the first stage after the birth of a child. However, these studies only compared at different stages of couple. If the track the same couple of continuous change, you will find many new dad and new mothers feel close relations have improved. Originally, after the birth of the child, the wife feels the two sides can be more equal sharing of housework. Sometimes, the family who is directly related to dishwashing marital satisfaction.

4, the "empty nest" unhealthy female psychology
"Empty Nest" refers to the child up and leave home, the parents home alone emptiness, loneliness state. Past, women living in "empty nesters" is very tragic, but modern women outside the home also has a career. Even in the "empty nest" status, women still fill the emptiness in various ways. One pair of 15,000 middle-aged women in Canada survey showed that the "empty nest" women's sex lives than women living with their children more active. After the children left home, many women living alone in a house, seems to enjoy the freedom of life.

5, the elderly without sex
Young people do not want to imagine their grandparents will love, but that does not mean the fact that they do not do. U.S. survey found that in the 75 years to 85 years among the elderly, 38% of men and 17 percent of women have sex, and gender differences in numbers is because at this age is still alive in women than in men. Older people do not limit their sexuality, the survey also found that a considerable part of the elderly oral sex. U.S. famous sexologists Masters and Johnson once said that older women enjoy sex just to have a "fun and interesting companion."

6, and the children do not grow up just fine
Sibling relationship is generally the longest continuous human life, relationship, but not always harmonious, there are a lot of people do not and childhood, the battle continues into adulthood. If the eccentricity of their children, or give the impression of an eccentric child, then the situation would be far worse - study found that children of parents eccentricity caused Snub resentful that can last for decades. 60-year-old will still sulk like a child, even though it looks silly.

7, sad not to let each other know
Many people mistakenly believe that the problems in the relationship, it is best to hide their discomfort. However, faced with the problem is the correct solution. Both husband and wife avoiding problems but will feel depressed and unhappy, will inevitably affect the daily behavior, thereby reducing the quality of intimate relationships. Once they could not help but burst out, we inevitably use unhealthy means of communication, such as quarrels and insults. By that time, bickering resentment generated further intensify contradictions, creating a vicious cycle. After the conflict, preferably before the outbreak of mutual communication, so that the sound can be both heard and understood each other.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Man in the eyes of a woman's most rapturous eight action

Woman's beauty mix: pure beauty calm people, the beauty of blooming surprise, wild beauty arouse desire ...... But no matter what kind, let man shines attract them eye, probably similar. Recently, the famous American fashion magazine "charm" cover story published, comprehensive multi-country study, teach women through small details show sexy charm, catch a man eye. 

1, eye contact 
"Pico glance conveys a person's interest in watching one will be able to narrow the distance between you." Professor of psychology at California State University, Buddha eyes Rui Palmer stressed the importance of this. With the opposite sex, cartier fashion jewelry the wise woman will not speak first, but with the eyes and men docking, which would allow him to further understand the desire to produce.

2, touching his neck or collarbone 
Psychologist specializing in body language Patti Wood pointed out that women in relationships with men when it inadvertently touching his neck or collarbone, make a man feel very sexy. In addition, when talking to a woman hit a man's forearm unintentionally, then this man is likely to be charmed. 

3, to maintain standing 
In the party, will make people stand in the spotlight, for obvious reasons: We are concerned about the higher than their own people. U.S. survey also showed that gathering, a man more likely to generate interest on the standing woman. Psychologist Lillian Glass further pointed out: "There are a surprising detail, that the orientation of the toes, if women toward the toes of a man, he will think you are more sexy, because then stance can let men see your curves. " 

4, so that the wrist flash 
Sexy is not just limited to the cleavage, the wrist is also very attractive. "In fact, the wrist can emit sexual signals, because some men are excited to see this site, they themselves are unaware." Psychotherapist Martin Lloyd Elliott suggested that women might wear a shiny bracelet to attract his attention. 

5, upright posture 
"A sexy posture should be relaxed and upright." Martin Lloyd Elliott said, "thrust his chest, upturned buttocks, shoulders flush, keeping the spirit of the gesture, it makes a man feel that you filled vitality yoga and Pilates will help your body naturally presents such a stance. " 

6, wearing a red dress 
University of Rochester study showed that, in the eyes of men, a woman dressed in red than in white, green, gray or blue dress more sexy, red girl dating the chance to get more than 56% of other women. 

7, choose dark light 
"Coral and amber tones lamps emit light make women look more sexy." Designer Todd Oldham suggested that women might in darker lighting and heterosexual contact. 

8, apply a perfume 
"Your body perfume smaller the radius of the radiation, the other side they want to be near you, you will become more attractive." Perfume supplier Xi Weian de la Coulter said. Avoid excessive method is: pure perfume once a day, the point at the wrist or ear; eau de toilette spray mist in front, and then walked over tainted amount.
Woman's beauty mix: pure beauty calm people, the beauty of blooming surprise, wild beauty arouse desire ...... But no matter what kind, let man shines attract them eye, probably similar. Recently, the famous American fashion magazine "charm" cover story published, comprehensive multi-country study, teach women through small details show sexy charm, catch a man eye.

1, eye contact
"Pico glance conveys a person's interest in watching one will be able to narrow the distance between you." Professor of psychology at California State University, Buddha eyes Rui Palmer stressed the importance of this. With the opposite sex, the wise woman will not speak first, but with the eyes and men docking, which would allow him to further understand the desire to produce.

2, touching his neck or collarbone
Psychologist specializing in body language Patti Wood pointed out that women in relationships with men when it inadvertently touching his neck or collarbone, make a man feel very sexy. In addition, when talking to a woman hit a man's forearm unintentionally, then this man is likely to be charmed.

3, to maintain standing
In the party, will make people stand in the spotlight, for obvious reasons: We are concerned about the higher than their own people. U.S. survey also showed that gathering, a man more likely to generate interest on the standing woman. Psychologist Lillian Glass further pointed out: "There are a surprising detail, that the orientation of the toes, if women toward the toes of a man, he will think you are more sexy, because then stance can let men see your curves. "

4, so that the wrist flash
Sexy is not just limited to the cleavage, the wrist is also very attractive. "In fact, the wrist can emit sexual signals, because some men are excited to see this site, they themselves are unaware." Psychotherapist Martin Lloyd Elliott suggested that women might wear a shiny bracelet to attract his attention.

5, upright posture
"A sexy posture should be relaxed and upright." Martin Lloyd Elliott said, "thrust his chest, upturned buttocks, shoulders flush, keeping the spirit of the gesture, it makes a man feel that you filled vitality yoga and Pilates will help your body naturally presents such a stance. "

6, wearing a red dress
University of Rochester study showed that, in the eyes of men, a woman dressed in red than in white, green, gray or blue dress more sexy, red girl dating the chance to get more than 56% of other women.

7, choose dark light
"Coral and amber tones lamps emit light make women look more sexy." Designer Todd Oldham suggested that women might in darker lighting and heterosexual contact.

8, apply a perfume
"Your body perfume smaller the radius of the radiation, the other side they want to be near you, you will become more attractive." Perfume supplier Xi Weian de la Coulter said. Avoid excessive method is: pure perfume once a day, the point at the wrist or ear; eau de toilette spray mist in front, and then walked over tainted amount.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

The five kinds of the most special woman refused to way

Many girls will love making cute moves, with innocent girl to win the boy's favor. If she showed commendable hearty, warm, is particularly sincere, not hypocritical, it shows that she has for you boring.

A diligent every one reply to your message;
If she loves you, she should be hesitant reply to your messages every one. If she unthinkingly quickly get back to you, Cheap Cartier Love Rings only that she actually does not care about her words what you will leave the impression that she just did not want to make you feel out of her impatience.

B There is always the first thing when looking for your help;
If she loves you, she should come to you no matter the time to help. She will find some innocuous questions ceramics info to haunt her favorite people, so close to both the excuse, it will not seem that they are ignorant. When she was really confused face, she will go to seek the advice of her friend, rather than let the people who like to see her ignorance and vulnerability.

C on the way you move showed great concern;
If she loves you, she should hide the concern of your every move. When the girl had feelings of love, it will also generate emotional shy, she would eagerly pay attention to your behaviors, emotions, while also ashamed to express, always hesitantly. If she does not begrudge express your feelings of concern, it shows that she does not love you.

4 She likes to show you the real side;
If she loves you, she should like you hide her shortcomings. Boys may be more like the real girl, but girls are always in front of the boys want to show beloved best side.

Many girls will love making cute moves, with innocent girl to win the boy's favor. If she showed commendable hearty, warm, is particularly sincere, not hypocritical, it shows that she has for you boring.

D When you are always looking lovingly.
If she loves you, she should always lovingly peeping you. If she does not secretly watching you, only when it should be looking at you lovingly,Cartier love Bracelet Replica it only shows that she has a boyfriend, and that man is not you. Analogy: a woman had a baby on other people's children also showed great enthusiasm, just like the girls with her boyfriend on the other boys will be gentle.

Sunday 2 June 2013

The smartest way of five kinds of chatting up women

Together to find a gay friend, you can play the efficacy of this approach. But remember, when the conversation is getting better, the partners find reasons disappear respect you, for you to create two separate deep chat opportunities.

1, allow themselves to be "fate-friendly person."
Whether to take active or passive, so that their opinion is easy to close and a readiness to become attached to the people, is approached first secret of success. Social psychology studies have found that those smiling, happy to make eye contact and body language into the surrounding environment, and it exudes a "fate-friendly persons" invincible charm. So, you should take the initiative to have eye contact with others, four mesh intersection when gently nodded to convey the meaning of respect and friendliness. If at the party, everyone a glass of wine, you absolutely can not empty hand, if the music, along with the body in relation to dance that way, for you who are interested, and you will be happy and you Xinyousuoshu close.

2, by the environment to find clues, elegant opening
If approached directly said: "I am like you, know you can do?" Good luck, you will the first prize, but more often, you'll scare people because while knocked, Oh! The wisest approach is to find clues from the environment to make your opening generous without obtrusive. For example: In the supermarket, you can ask: "Do you know this brand products okay?" Library, said: "You borrowed the book, I also like." Cafe, so greet it: "My first time here, are you? "if before the opening, politely added:" I'm sorry to disturb you, may I ask ...... "That's more likable friends!

3, praised the woman's temperament, certainly a man's ability to
Some men against women an opening is: "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen ......" This direct praise, but people sometimes heart alert. If you want to compliment each other, a better approach is for her temperament: "I appreciate people like you quiet (generous) elegant girl ......" become attached to men and women to take the initiative, from the perspective of help, often very easy obtain a positive response: "My cell phone out of the situation (or my laptop in question), can you please help me find it?" Give a man the opportunity to show abilities, they are usually bored. Woman to praise a man, you can also use a more roundabout way. In men for you to make thoughtful services (for example, help you with your drinks), the best praise is not: "wow, hello considerate Oh!" Higher Ming's response was: "You know what? I appreciate the thoughtful man! "This position, well aware of each other, but will not be too explicit. The next retreat is appropriate. In case Musical unintentionally, you would not have embarrassed.

4, diversion, quietly attack
If you see your favorite heterosexual, but unsuitable opening directly, you can find someone an object of the same sex with you, opening chat, Volume magnify (hey, gotta confirms that he / she can hear it!): "Hey, hello ! I am so and so, you are a person to do? "They started this conversation, a few words, you can be inadvertently turned to the opposite sex by your targeted inviting him / her to join your conversation: "Hey, How about you? how do you know so and so who is?"

When we feel has been deliberately approached, but has been invited to join a conversation conducted, usually willing to participate. So slightly, go to the party, looking for a same-sex friends were walking, you can play the efficacy of this approach. But remember, when the conversation is getting better, the partners find reasons disappear respect you, for you to create two separate deep chat opportunities.

5, creating the opportunity to meet again
Do not forget to make today's first long-lasting bonds derivatized interaction. More natural way is to talk to two people a common interest, you can say: "That's good, I have a group of friends are fans, next time we see a movie called on you!" With this very casual way opening: "Please leave a contact, the next must find you!" or simply generously said: "Today is very happy to chat with you, next time free exchange of experience it together again!"

Thursday 30 May 2013

Seven kinds of husband and wife relationship is not easy to divorce

Now, premarital cohabitation unprecedented popularity, of course you can also find a person worked on "trial marriage" life, but researchers do not support premarital cohabitation, because they found that premarital cohabitation of people at higher risk of divorce.

A premarital important issues negotiated
You both want several children, how would you finance the honeymoon before the discussion of these issues is very important. Love she gave him to buy Fashion Cartier Love Bracelet premarital education or prenuptial counseling can help you solve this problem. Many studies have shown that people go through this process on their spouses have higher marital satisfaction and more responsibility.

2, you can bicker, but do not upgrade to the "War of the Worlds"
Elam mouth is an integral part of the marital relationship, stopped the mouth and debate itself will not lead to divorce. But pay attention to the way you argue. Researchers Gottman and Levenson said they observed through a couple arguing in a negative way as well as the degree of constructive and positive communication to predict whether the two divorced. Debate to be avoided: criticism, contempt, excessive protect themselves and refused. Learn how to use humor and kind words to ease fierce debate.

3, to play with
Yes, you both need to have their own personal interests and hobbies. However, too much emphasis on self-life may lead to separation, or the gradual separation. Like her husband to play golf every Saturday, his wife went swimming every Saturday. Learn by participating in activities you both like reunion together. Affectionate to find time to look is also very important, although it seems you never separated one minute. Methods such as massage and affectionate hug, it makes you feel more intimate.

4, sharing housework
Most contracting party housework, while the other is lazy laid-back, which is divorce "secret."

5, courteous
Sometimes we will be the most rude way to treat their favorite people, they themselves are not aware of. Check yourself: "Am I right friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even strangers than for his other half is better" is often mutual recognition; remember to say "please" and "thank you" rather than issue orders or nagging.

6, with the problem, it is necessary to solve the problem
You are frustrated by either party, whether there is alcohol problems, love cartier love bracelet she would send her a party intends affair ...... If you or you do not want to have a way to solve these problems, will greatly increase the risk of divorce . Through advisory services and other ways to solve these problems can reduce your risk of divorce.

7, and the people who want to get married get married
This seems obvious things, but many people disagree. If you need to beg, cajole, or even just to get an ultimatum issued by the marriage, then you should be aware that he or she may not want to get married. If you are wearing the ring at the moment you think things will eventually change, then you are wrong. Do not give yourself the trouble. Are you still looking for one and the same people who want to enter marriage live with it.

Source of the article
china woman story